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E-newsletter: April 2019

জনস্বাস্থ্য সবার উপরে Public Health On Top

মৃত্যু বিপণন-১ Death Marketing-1

মৃত্যু বিপণন-২ Death Marketing-2

Death Marketing Around


Death Marketing -2 withdrawing advertisement from BATB and JTI

BATB and JTI, two multinational tobacco giants of the country, have been advertising, currently the most popular job-hunting web portal in Bangladesh, with web-links directed to their own company websites under the category of Hot Jobs. This is clearly a strategy if tobacco companies to promote their brands among the youth of Bangladesh as more than 100,000 young job-seekers visit at least once every day to search for jobs. PROGGA and Anti-Tobacco Media Alliance brought this issue to the attention of authority who later removed the advertisements without any delay. The website also expressed its commitment to fully comply with tobacco control law.