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E-newsletter: May 2019

জনস্বাস্থ্য সবার উপরে Public Health On Top

মৃত্যু বিপণন-১ Death Marketing-1

মৃত্যু বিপণন-২ Death Marketing-2

Death Marketing Around


Death Marketing -2

Gifts for you if you smoke

Once you finish, return the empty packet to the retailer and Abul Bidi will shower you with gifts. This is how Abul Biri is luring potential customers to hook on its deadly products. Posters with pictures of the prizes and conditions have been glued to the walls in different parts of the country. However, according to the existing Tobacco Control Law, it is banned and considered as a punishable offence to encourage smoking and to offer to lure the customers to light up. The recent GATS result suggests that the percentage of bidi smokers reduced by 55 percent between 2009 to 2017. As a result, bidi companies have become desperate to recover the lost market. Such violation of law must be put to an end by properly implementing tobacco control law.