Two Bangladeshi NGOs received grants from Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

In Bangladesh, two organizations namely BRAC and Child Sight Foundation (CFS) received grants worth USD 64,151 and USD 92,620 respectively from the giant multinational tobacco company Philip Morris- Funded “Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW)”. The BRAC is working for documenting behavior patterns, risk perception & social factor that discourage TB patterns to quit smoking. The CFS is doing systematic review & situation analysis of smoking & perception about harm reduction amongst slum dwellers. The information has recently revealed by TobaccoTactics, a project of the Tobacco Control Research Group at the Department for Health at the University of Bath. The details will be found at: click here

It is alarming that two Bangladeshi non-government organizations including the world largest NGO BRAC have received tobacco industry grants in the name of tobacco control. The government should impose ban on PMI funded Foundation for a Smoke-Free World activities as our prime minister is committed to making the country tobacco-free by 2040.

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