Sun Sun Sun Sun
E-Newsletter: April 2024

জনস্বাস্থ্য সবার উপরে Public Health On Top

মৃত্যু বিপণন-১ Death Marketing-1

মৃত্যু বিপণন-২ Death Marketing-2

Death Marketing Around


Death Marketing-1

Japan Tobacco's Aggressive Promotion Continues!

Japan Tobacco is pushing its Camel cigarettes through an aggressive promotional campaign, violating the tobacco control law. The company has been displaying alluring cigarette holders at points-of-sale that read 'Camel Brings to You New Flavor: Lemon Bust'. As per the tobacco control law, any advertisement and promotion of tobacco control law at points-of-sale is a violation and considered as a punishable offence. Such a campaign must be put to an end through strict implementation of the tobacco control law.